Really solid, really funny episode overall. However, I'm not sure if it was up to my standards for the 150th episode. I mean, we all remember "Girls vs Suits" as being a total slam dunk. And while this would have been just that if it were any other episode, I'm not sure if it worked for being the 150th. Either way, really funny. Kept me laughing.
So, I'll start with the Marshall and Lily part. This was REALLY damn funny. I couldn't quit laughing. The night lighting and how it was set up like a game horror movie really cracked me up. Still. while HIMYM is famous for rehashing old ideas, I feel like this way have been a little too similar to what they did last week with the Enigmas of the Mystical. Either way, great segment. Super funny. I'm also wondering how long Lily's dad will be sticking around. In all honesty, I don't want him around for that long. And I'm also a little confused by B&T who said this season would be focusing more on the group, since we lost that a little last season with Zoey and the Captain. Either way, I'm sure they'll figure it out.
Next up...Robin and Kevin. I know I said I wouldn't complain anymore, but this whole heartedly pissed me off. I mean, Barney hooks up with Robin and Kevin is just 'la dee da...whatever'. I'm sorry but thats just not realistic. And the ending just killed me. Seriously. I was in the middle of laughing, and then that Robin-Kevin moment came and the smile just faded off my face. I just feel like Kevin should be gone from the cast by now. Because as the ending showed, he isn't...and never will be...part of the group.
I'll finish this off with Barney, Ted, and 'the other gang'. This was a hilarious segment, if I do say so myself. I loved it. The return of stripper lily was very funny, and other Marshall was hilarious. I also feel like this is the creators way of saying that the group will remain the same in some aspect because this is what would become of it without all of them. And B&T have clearly stated they do have a solution to Lily and Marshall having a baby and perhaps not always being part of the group. They also said they might not be staying on Long Island...perhaps because Lilys dad gets that house?
-How I Met Your Barney
-How I Met Your Mother, the Russian, other gang version.
-There were many more, but because I don't take notes, and I haven't rewatched it yet, I cannot remember
No clue. Doesn't say on Wikipedia, so I'll get back to you.
I loved the episode but seriously what the hell happens to Robin??? I mean who's she??? The old robin was so much better. and her outfits?? wtf?? and I agree with you is like barney sleeping with robin never happened... I looooved the two openings it was hilarious!
I liked it... but youre right. It didnt live up to the expectations to the 150th episode, and not really worth the wait. I loved the 'how I met your Barney' part, that was funny. But does it mean that Marshall and Lily never move back, and that they'll never hang out at the booth anymore? I think it'll be a nice change. These episodes haven't been funny lately, especially Tailgate, but this one got me laughing quite a bit. I wanna know what happens in the next one.......
I think the next episode is going to air next week . I am not sure , but I read it in . And about the next episode look in , how I met your mother links . The first link is called "The drunk train " , if you can't find it , just write reply , or write me in fanpop , I am mireto1927 . The little info that I saw was shocking !!! By the way nice review , I am totally agree that we didn't feel that that was 150 episode . I excepted more , I guess we all did ...
Meanwhile Ted and Barney are being dragged to a club by a girl called "Randi and her friend Quinn. Ted is hoping to score with Randi but she only wants him to listen to her boring stories and leaves him with a kiss on the cheek.
They travel with the "drunk train", the last train from Manhatten to Long Island and meet all kinds of girls. But Barney scares away most of them with inappropriate comments." ITS ABOUT EP 15!!
Season 7 Episode 15- The Drunk Train
Robin, Kevin, Lily and Marshall going to a restaurant called "Woodland Inn." Meanwhile Ted and Barney are being dragged to a club by a girl called Randi and her friend Quinn. Ted is hoping to score with Randi but she only wants him to listen to her boring stories and leaves him with a kiss on the cheek.
They travel with the "drunk train", the last train from Manhatten to Long Island and meet all kinds of girls. But Barney scares away most of them with inappropriate comments. We will also see a proposal.
I thought this was disappointing as the 150th episode, and also as a follow-up to the more serious episodes of late. Thought the new openings were hilarious, as were the LAME parts & the line "Who wants pancakes? OK, which two of you wants pancakes?"
Hopefully that The Drunk Train will address some of the issues, such as Robin's cheating on Kevin, and where Ted is going with his life.
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