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Guys. We are in a slump. And by we, I mean HIMYM. It's not a slump in viewers. Oh no, thats up more than ever. But the quality of episodes this season has been so...slumpish. That's not a word. I will always be completely devoted to HIMYM, but there have been only 6 shockingly good episodes this season .And for the best show on TV, thats sad. I mean, puppy-crying-wet-in-a-bathtub SAD. And yes, the good episodes have been better than good...but the bad ones have been waaaaaay worse than bad. I'm talking some of the worst episodes of the show.
Now, I already know what you're thinking, "Geez, when did you get so negative?" Well, I'll tell you when. On Sunday I was watching "Once Upon a Time" because it's kind of my rebound show. Anyway, they showed an episode so amazing I was smiling, laughing, crying, and thinking like crazy about whats going to happen next. Then I went online to see how other people felt about the episode, and they said it was just good. That's when I realized HIMYM was in a serious slump. If that "Once Upon a Time" episode was only good, I don't even want to think about what the HIMYM episodes are classified as. So, I have a new challenge for our favorite show: Be better than "Once Upon a Time". Yes, that show is a masterpiece. But HIMYM is a revelation.
And, unfortunately, as Eliza stated below, we are in for one more week of mediocre HIMYM: "The Burning Beekeeper". Sorry. I'm not going to focus on that though.
Now, for the spoilers.
I am such a horrible blog owner! I hope I'm not losing you guys! Anyway, here is the promo:
And also a lovely
So. what did you guys think of "Symphony of Illumination?" Like I even need to ask, right? I was incredible. Once of the best episodes the show has ever seen. And who wrote this episode? Why, my favorite writer of the show, Joe Kelly. And who is writing "The Drunk Train?" Why. Joe Kelly. BOOM. So, this episode will be good, if that's how they "Once Upon a Time" episode was. Seriously, you guys need to watch that show.
In other news, the episode will feature Quinn, a freaky inn, a proposal, and from the look of these pictures, a back-to-awesome Barney!
This Quinn girl But from the description B&T gave, she's very...Nora-ish. No Robin Sherbatsky. I like her, but I don't think anyone's really going to LOVE her. Either way, she looks cool so I'll just go with it. I'll keep you posted! Remember...BREAK THE SLUMP!
Actually,they have changes this a little. 7x15 is called 'The Burning Beekeeper" Lily's father, Mickey gets re-acquainted with a cranky old neighbor. Marshall and Lily are distracted by their neighbor's irritating screaming. Meanwhile, Robin begins her first day as co-host with Sandy at WorldWide News
7x16 is called "The Drunk Train"
For Valentine's Day, Lily and Marshall invite Robin and Kevin on a weekend away to Vermont, where Kevin and Robin discuss taking their relationship to the next level. Meanwhile, Barney realizes he has finally met his match.
I'm sorry, but I disliked "Symphony of Illumination". The idea that Robin didn't have kids due to biology, instead of her dislike of parenthood, which had been established since the first season really annoyed me. Why was it necessary for Robin to get sad over the idea that she couldn't have kids? It's soooo sexist. Why not maintain her dislike of parenthood?
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