
Monday, March 19, 2012

Season 7, Episode 19: The Broath

"I don't know if I can do normal anymore"-Ted
Nice episode tonight. It was a step forward in the storyline, although some of the funny moments were a bit forced, and I'm sure ratings were down thanks to "Dancing With the Stars" Either way, there's a lot to discuss, so lets get to it!

So, I'll start with Lily and Marshall. This was easily the more carefree part of the episode, and I feel like this is because Lily and Marshall actually have their lives together, whereas Ted, Barney, and Robin aren't really there yet. Either way, it was a funny segment, and almost a glimpse into the future. Is that what all of the gang will look like in a few years?
Next on the rocket-docket, Ted and Robin. As great as we all know they are, when the connection isn't there you have to let it go. I recently had a comment on that post about the mother saying that the mother dies and Ted marries Robin. I'd already seen this before on the CBS fourm, but that's not the point. The point is that sometimes conspiracy theories like that just aren't the answer. You can't fight for something that doesn't exist. And now we know that Ted and Robin won't be seeing each other for a while, so Victoria's prediction is coming true. I've been dreading this all season because we love the gang, and we never want to see them part ways. But his is a start. Lets see if they can pick up the pieces. 
Finally...Barney and Quinn. They're perfect, but that's the problem. They're just too perfect. Everything is going right with them and it just doesn't make sense. And Barney wanting his girlfriend to stop stripping? Sorry, don't buy it. I'd almost convinced myself that this Quinn girl would be bringing back the old Barney we love, but now she has him pondering marriage? It just doesn't add up. Of course *spoiler* Barney won't be marrying Quinn since she already signed for a new show B&T have created set to air in the 2012-2013 year. *end of spoiler*. Of course, even though I always try to be objective, when she said that thing about stopping stripping when she gets married, it did kind of break my heart. And then Robin just hugs her like it's nothing? I love HIMYM, but some of this just isn't realistic. 

-Ted, Marshall and Lily college flashback eating a sandwich!
-So, I was once with this chick...
-The Broath
-Fake History Lessons

And by the way...I'm so glad I have this blog...the OUAT one is exhausting...much longer reviews and so many more questions...ah! can't compare to HIMYM.

1 comment:

Eliza said...

I think this episode was OK...... I hope that they dont make the story about Barney. This is supposed to be about Ted...but still i liked it overall. Like Quinn a bit more than I use to. I'm a HUGE FAN OF THIS BLOG I COMMENT EVERY POST. YOU CAN COUNT ON ME!!