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Random post about, what else?, the mother.
soooo many theories about who she could be! if you're wondering.....heres all of them, that i know of.
The Half Sister Theory: so now we know Barney is getting married, which completely supports the half sister theory. if you haven't heard it yet, it basically says that Barney's half sister Carly, is the mother. You may recall that in the episode, "Legendaddy" Jerome (Barney's dad) says he has a daughter, Carly, in college, and of course we already know that Teds future wife is a college student from the episode "Girls vs. Suits." and, obviously, she would definitely be at Barney's wedding, so it makes sense. AND, you notice how Barney met Cheryl (Jerome's wife), and JJ at dinner...but not Carly. Interesting, no? this is my favorite theory right now.
Nora: I saw this on another HIMYM blog and it sounds crazy. it claims Nora is the mother. at first, i found this ridiculous, but it might not be. the theory is that Barney is marrying Nora, But pulls a "Shelter Island" and leaves her at the alter for Robin ( i support this.). then, Nora wanders out in the rain to find Ted (with her yellow umbrella) and the rest, is history. I don't think it's very likely, but it's worth considering. Still, even though I know it's impossible, the more I think about it, the more I wish it was her.
Victoria: She was one of Teds best girlfriends throughout the show, maybe even better than Robin. I know they probably won't bring her back, but still, she was pretty great.
The Tracy Theory: this is very popular among HIMYM fans, but it contradicts the Half Sister Theory, so I don't really like it. In the episode season 1, "Belly Full of Turkey," Ted, Barney, and Robin spend Thanksgiving in a strip club. One of the strippers approaches Ted who says "Hey, I'm Ted," and the stripper says "I'm Tracy." Then future Ted says " and thats how I met your mother....kidding!" but before he says he's kidding the kids are like "WHAT!" and they totally believe him. but why would they if their mom's name isn't Tracy? so it says that the stripper Tracy is NOT the mother, but their mother's name is Tracy. Now here's something I noticed in the season 4 finale: After Robin tells Barney "I think I'm in love with you" Barney runs off to another girl at the party. A blond girl....named Tracy. And Ted NEVER meets her. So how does he even know she was there?
The Slutty Pumpkin: Well, guess not :(
Zoey: Well this theory was dead from the beginning but whatever. People still thought about it.
Shannon: Okay, this violates the title of this post because it has nothing to do with the mom, but still. About a week or two ago, I was watching the episode "Game Night" where Barney talks about his past as a hippie with his girlfriend, Shannon. So I'm just going to throw this out there: Is there any chance Barney could end up with her? The more I think about this, the more likely it seems. There is one issue though. I don't think they could get that actress back on the show. Still, it's an interesting theory.
Robin: it's not Robin. get over yourself. they said it in the Pilot, they've said it time and time again. ROBIN IS NOT THE MOTHER. we know that, but people still try to come up with stupid theories. but i can tell you. it's not Robin.
Ted's Perfect Match: I think it's very possible, because he never got to meet her since he decided he's rather have Robin than perfect, so maybe he does end up with his perfect match...
The mother is blond?: Well, i finally get it! Someone on another HIMYM blog ( cleared this up for me. So, its like this: In the episode "Ted Mosby, Architect" Ted is talking to this girl who says something like "architects are HOT. how to you think mr. Brady scored a babe like Carol (that might not be her name, but bear with me.)" Then Ted goes "she did have hair of gold." and when, after that, he goes "mmhmm" you can hear future Ted aka Bob Saget saying "mmhmm" along with him. So, the conspiracy is that Future Ted is telling us that the Mother is blond. I can see that this theory has holes, but i don't could be a break in the case...
The "Friends" Theory: I'm pretty sure every HIMYM fan who followed "Friends" has thought of this so I'll just put it out there. Remember in Friends when Ross is going to marry Emily but says "I take thee, Rachel," instead? (sorry i can't remember episode names, haven't watched Friends in a while.) Well, basically, this theory says that at Barney's wedding, he'll be marrying Nora or whoever, but says Robin's name instead. I like this theory, but HIMYM has copied a lot of stuff from Friends already, so i do kind of rule it out.
Bump Girl: Sorry I totally forgot about this one. Ted bumps into this girl at the St. Patrick's Day party and people think shes the mother. But I heard that if you turn on commentary for the episode, they say shes not the mom. Raincheck on that, those of you who have season 3 on DVD. I only have seasons 1, 2, and 4 so I can't be sure. This kills the blond theory though, since the girl is brunette.
I haven't heard much outside from this, but if you have a theory, I'd love to hear it :)
These are pretty interesting theories, and all that I can say inside of my head is "How come I have never thought of this, it makes perfect sense." So yea, I am anxiously expecting the new season and maybe then a good portion of the clues will be revealed. However, I would discard the Nora theory because it is revealed throughout the sixth season that Ted met his wife at the wedding; however, in the episode "A Change of Heart" we actually see the whole gang, including Ted, meeting Nora. Also, there is also the possibility to speculate that the mother is blonde because of the kids' reaction to Ted's joke on telling them that their mother was the stripper Tracy, who was blonde. Plus, in the last episode of the sixth season, we see Ted joking once more about who the mother is with a random blonde girl. Nevertheless, the kids are brunette, so that could mean that the kids got the genetic hair traits of his father (which is an event rather unlikely to happen twice) or that the mother is indeed brunette. And, when Ted was dating Stella, at some point he said that if he were to have married her the kids would have looked all weird and blonde (because Stella was blonde). I would pay attention to the umbrella that appears in several episodes and notice whether a girl has the same umbrella (to me it is a very powerful destiny item). But again, we can only know in the next season or even after (I hope the latter does not occur, because seriously I WANT to know who the mother lol). So yea, if you know anything else or an opinion about my ideas, just let me know ;)
OH HOLY CRAP that first barney sister one oh holy crap it is the right one!
If Ted married Barney's sister then that actually makes Barney into the reference as UNCLE BARNEY and then Robin as AUNT ROBIN..........oh holy crap you really are onto something here......i actually kept thinking huh maybe she's not in the episode because barney already tapped into that, but this would be bettttter
I will discard the blonde theory because when he sees some girl blonde, ( i dont remeber exactly who ) He says, well kids she's not your mother, if she was you'll be blonde! and the kids are clearly brunettes.
Hey it's Tiffany, remember me, you posted on my answer? I love all you theories, and I think the Half-Sister or Bump theory is right. Thanks so much for all the info!
Awesome theories......
Just have to say this I DO NOT want to know who the mother because guys the shows called How I MET YOUR MOTHER!! Once we find out it's over!!! So hope that we get clues but they only tell us in like S10 or something!!
Spoiler alert.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Victoria returns in season 7.
Maybe she could be the one.
Also good theories.
I'm from the Uk.
(Its the 8th september here 00.25am here not the 7th at 4ish pm)
I feel like I'm posting from the future)
Great theories. Hope you get the time to check out my blog post on HIMYM Season 7 -
Could it be Robin's sister ?(who was there in season 2 )Since he refers Barney as Uncle and Robin as Aunt
I love all these theories. I reckon it's the Half-Sister one. And who is Robin's sister? I dont remember her
I want it to be Victoria, because I think she is the best match for Ted. The more I re-watch everything, the more I see how perfect Robin is for BARNEY, and not Ted. I never liked Stella, so I hope it isn't here. But it is probably one of Stella's friends because she said she went to a St. Patty's day party but left early....
My theory ... Please read! We do find out who the mother is of course, but there's an even bigger twist ... It's revealed that the mother dies a few years prior to 2030, & the reason he's telling his kids this long-ass story about how he met the mother - starting with how he met ROBIN - is bc he's going to end back up with Robin (after Ted and the kids hsve had a couple years to grieve). Remember the episode this season where Barney discovers the long term bet box of Marshall and Lily's? Lily had bet Marshall that Ted and Robin wouldn't end up together ... at the end of episode, the say that it's still tbd if they end up together ... Kind of a foreshadow of the final twist that with the mother dead, Robin having gotten to travel the world, Ted and Robin end up together in 2030.
Oh yeah you from Kaulsinic on the north side of Austria? My nan is from there I forgot you guys don't do leap years in June already. I live outside of Vienna and still in the past in april. anyway yeah I have to agree with the bump theory it was so deliberate and since ted was wasted he won't remember it.
I have a small theory Iv'e come up with. In the season 2 episode, "Showdown", Barney wins Marshall and Lilly a Dune Buggy. But, it was never referenced again. So, maybe the Dune Buggy will have something to do or cause something to happen that will cause Ted to meet the mother.
Just curious about the half-sister theory. All the seasons are mixed together a little for me. So the sister wasn't at the dinner w/ Barney and his dad, step-mom and step-bro b/c she was at college. Is that the same season where Ted dates Rachel Bilson and "mother" is her roommate? Seems around the same time period and I guess it's not unheard of to live in an apartment w/ an adult during college, but seems a little unlikely. Anyone know more about the time sequence of these 2 events?
Ted went out with the roomate of the mother a season before Barney's half sister was ever even mentioned.
Guys you are all wrong. This is the truth but I will not be saying how I got this. Remember that those kids never called ted "daddy." Why? This is the reason.
Ted never got married. He was old and spent his time inside a strip club where he met the mother of the two kids. She went with Ted and after that night, he woke up with the mother's 2 kids waiting on his sofa. They were curious on how they met their mother because they don't know their mother's job.
That is why there are lots of HIMYM episodes because the ending is not really related to it. It just shows their adventure and Ted's fond for girls. I may not be accurate but this one is really close to the ending.
I think it is going to be the Love Solutions girl. She is the perfect match for Ted. A lot of people say it can't be her, because she is already college educated in the first season and The Mother was in Ted's wrong classroom incident in season five.
However, Cindy, a girl he meets and dates in season five is his age and going for her PhD. This would meen Cindy was college educated at the time of season one.
This leads me to believe her roommate was the Love Solutions girl. It would make them the same age and college educated when season one occured. It also would make sense why The Mother would be in that class. She was going for higher education and since Cindy and her are roommates they probably met on campus or through their similar classes and decided to bunk up.
Yes there are a lot of holes in this theory, but I really think it is her.
Simple as this. None of the above. Season 1 ep 1 you see her. Not her face. Just her body and her umbrella. Can't be Barney's half sister, because if she was at the wedding, why would she then be getting out of a cab at the end of the wedding (this is where Ted has just come from when sitting at the train station) to board a train? Surely she would either still be at the wedding, or not be dressed in business looking clothes like the mother is. She would be in a dress, not a pencil skirt.
My bad I meant season 8 ep 1. Derp
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