
Monday, May 14, 2012

Season 7 Finale: "The Magician's Code"

"I hear the bride wanted to see me?"-Ted
Okay, first off, I am a die hard for Barney-Robin. I have been since season 1. So while you read, keep that in mind. This was a really good finale, if I do say so myself. I didn't like it quite as much as last year's "Challenge Accepted" but it was still super good, and there is a whole darn lot to discuss so I best be getting to it!

Okay, so lets start with Marshall, Lily, and Baby Marvin. No matter what, Marshall and Lily always bring some well-needed light to HIMYM. Marvin Wait for It Ericksen is a crazy sweet name, by the way...I have the insane urge to give all my future children that middle name. I'm glad Barney made such a great contribution to little Marvin. After all, had it not been for Barney, Marshall and Lily never would have gotten back together. #BachelorParty. It's amazing how seeing that...even after Marshall nearly missed the whole thing...can just warm my heart. 
Next up, Ted and Victoria. I'm happy about this, since I've always loved Victoria, but I'm also worried...and a little bit mad at Ted. remember when Stella left you at the alter right? You remember how bad you felt? How mad you were at Tony? Why on earth would you put another guy through that. It's not cool. Yes, you and Victoria should be together...but isn't there a better way to do it? I mean, we all know Victoria isn't going to be the mother so this has to lead to disaster somehow. This just seems like the worst way possible, though. Couldn't they have broken that guy's heart in a less awful way? This is worse than dumping someone over their answering machine on their birthday! #ReturnOfTheShirt
Okay, this one's gonna be tough but...Barney and Quinn (I call her 'the enemy'...just kidding! Kind of...). So, you guys can probably guess my reaction when we all truly thought for  second there that she was the bride. I started bawling my eyes out, and screaming at my TV that I would never put myself through something like this again...but it all got better. Anyway, more on that later. The point is that as great and perfect of a couple as Barney and Quinn are...the chemistry just isn't there, and you can't fight for something that doesn't exist. So even though I will admit that Barney and Quinn are perfect for each other, they don't have chemistry. All they have is timing, and I feel like having timing but not chemistry can only lead to some serious heartbreak for both of them, and neither of them deserve that.
And, of course...Barney and Robin. If you don't ship them please ignore the next few sentences...
When Robin turned around, all the tears in my eyes just went away and I was so happy. My heart was on a cloud of purple rainbows and butterflies. Both of my OTPs are endgame, and I got to see that in only two days...and now I have to wait three months to see how it happens...ugh. Anyway, this is where the non-shippers should continue reading:
So, I had a slap bet with my best friend that Robin was the bride. She thought it was Quinn. I called her right after the episode and she was downright refusing to believe that Robin was the bride. But guys, she is. And you're going to have to put up with all the obnoxious hype from BRo shippers because they are endgame whether you like it or not. However, Ted did say the wedding doesn't go well. But the creators say that Barney does end up married on that day. So please guys, do yourselves a favor and don't even start with the conspiracy theories. 

-Marvin Wait for It Ericksen
-Robin and her farm animals
-So glad Ted and Robin are finally over for real!
-The motorcycle...
-A bus full of seniors...who are all having heart attacks...
-The Magicians Code. 

HIMYM Season 8!!!
I'll be posting random stuff all summer so remember to check in!


AndrewsMind said...

I wanted to know the bride so much that I peeked before watching the episode, but instantly regretted it...anyway, I didn't particularly like this episode but I loved the twists and turns...when the heck is season 8?!? I WANT IT NOW!!!

Anonymous said...

As soon as Barney asked Quinn to marry him and she said yes. I knew Robin was the bride. And I figured the magic trick was a proposal. Pretty cool guy to go through all that trouble just to propose to a girl.

Anonymous said...

Technically, there wasn't anything in the episode that said this was Barney's wedding. ...Just sayin'

AndrewsMind said...

Anonymous #2, how can you say that? This is the same footage from the season 6 premiere & finale, AND the season 7 premiere, and in the season 7 premiere they confirm that it's Barney's wedding.

AwesomeBro said...


"Lets skip ahead. To a wedding. Barney was getting married..."- Future Ted.

I just watched it and remember. Watch it again. I'm no liar...

Amy Heaves said...

OMG IT WAAS ROBIN???? TY SO MUCH!!! None of my friends were telling me....... now I know and I'm so happy!